Document Management


File Releases:

Document Management controls and manages all files used by Printing Services. Requests for files can be made to Printing Services or Document Management. All requests are reviewed by Document Management. Any release must be driven by clear need.

  • At Document Management's discretion, files may be directly released the requestor, or to Printing Services and subsequently passed on to the requestor.
    (All files released from Printing Services will be watermarked, secured, and/or unsuitable for printing.)

  • If the request is for original/editable files, only a member of Document Management may grant a release and send the files to the requestor.
    (No letterhead files will be released.)

Must every document created by someone at CoxHealth be submitted to Document Management for approval?

Simply put, no. If Document Management can reference a policy or process for a group or class of documents, direct continued involvement is not necessarily needed.See below for clarification.

How do I know if my document requires the direct involvement of Document Management?

If your document:

  • is to be printed
  • and has not been designed by Marketing
  • and is not a non-medically related document created and used in low volume within a single department


  • is an Addressograph form

Your document requires submission to Document Management.

If your document:

  • is to be produced in quantities of more than 200 pieces
  • and each piece is to be mailed through the US Postal Service to an individual address
  • and each piece of mail weighs the same

Your document requirescontacting Printing Services for further instruction.

If your document:

  • does not fit into the above criteria
  • and Document Management can reference a policy or process for your group or class of documents

direct continued involvement of Document Management is not needed.

If you are unsure about your document, simply ask us, we are happy to help clarify any questions you may have.


Print Shop Pro Webdesk® 16.0.6